Bio-Rad is one of the world's leading antibody manufacturers


Bio-Rad is one of the world's leading antibody manufacturers, offering over 12,000 antibodies and related reagents for a focused range of research areas such as immunology, cancer, veterinary research and cell biology through its antibody experts formerly known as AbD Serotec.

The range includes apoptosis kits, autophagy reagents, CD markers, epitope tag antibodies, immunology antibodies, neuroscience antibodies, and veterinary reagents.

Bio-Rad has an ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified production facility in the United Kingdom as well as ISO 9001 certified facilities in Germany and the United States.

Our expertise extends to traditional and recombinant antibody generation and production services. Our custom generation service delivers antibodies in as little as 8 weeks with greater than 90% success. The in vitro technology enables selection of antibodies to challenging targets, long term consistent supply, and provision of the antibody sequence.

At Bio-Rad we are committed to your success when using our antibodies and we focus on providing the technology, products and all the supporting information you need to excel in your research.

sample review

Concanavalin A-Rhodamin antibody was used in the immunofluorescence assay in order to study the role of endothelial cell rearrangement in vessel regression.

Collagen IV antibody was used in the immunofluorescence assay in order to study the role of endothelial cell rearrangement in vessel regression.

AbD Serotec AntiCD59-AlexaFluor647 was used to perform flow cytometry in order to study the role of Clathrin-independent pathways in endocytic flux for mammalian cells.

AbD Serotec anti-collagen IV was used to perform immunohistochemistry in order to study the tumor microenvironments.

AbD Serotec sheep anti-TGN46 was used to perform western blot in order to identify one novel protein complex responsible for export of Vangl2 from the trans Golgi network.

AbD Serotec mouse monoclonal anti-DPPIV was used to perform immunocytochemistry in order to study the mechanism by which the Par1b induces asymmetric inheritance of plasma membrane domains in proliferating hepatocytes.

Serotec anti-CD11b was used to perform immunocytochemistry in order to explore the effect of the neuregulin and BDNF on NMDA receptor-dependent myelination by oligodendrocytes.

Serotec rat anti-MBP was used to perform immunocytochemistry in order to explore the effect of the neuregulin and BDNF on NMDA receptor-dependent myelination by oligodendrocytes.

Biogenesis anti-GFP antibody was used to perform immunohistochemistry in order to study cell morphogen signaling.

AbD Serotec HRP-conjugated goat anti-human IgG was used to perform immunohistochemistry in order to study synaptic plasticity.

AbD Serotec FITC-conjugated goat anti-human IgG was used to perform immunohistochemistry in order to study synaptic plasticity.

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