Cellometer Auto T4 Brightfield Cell Counter


Cellometer Auto T4 Brightfield Cell Counter

The Cellometer™ Auto T4 automated cell counter is designed for concentration and Trypan blue cell viability assessment of cell lines, even clumpy cells, with optional GMP/GLP software.

Product information

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The Cellometer Auto T4 utilizes brightfield imaging and pattern-recognition software to quickly and accurately identify and count individual cells. Cell count, concentration, diameter, and % viability are automatically calculated and reported.

The Cellometer Auto T4 cell counter offers:

On screen view of individual cell level information

Ability to capture multiple fields of view for accurate data

Built-in cell type library

Count difficult cells (clumpy, irregular-shaped)

Options for IQ/OQ Validation and GMP/GLP software

Additional product information

One-step concentration & viability

The Cellometer Auto T4 simultaneously calculates cell concentration and % viability for cultured cells stained with trypan blue.

Trypan blue viability is a dye exclusion method that utilizes membrane integrity to identify dead cells. The dye is unable to penetrate healthy cells, so they remain unstained. Dead cells have a compromised cell membrane that is permeable to the trypan blue dye. Dead cells are stained blue and display as dark cells in the Cellometer software with brightfield imaging.

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